A Secured Business Loan to start, buy or grow a business
Category: Business Loans  Last Updated September 6, 2024  Effective September 16, 2024

 General Lending Rates

Rates listed below are for a FIXED Interest Only product. Additional Information
Interest Rate
6.59% PA
Comparison Rate
Product rates will vary depending upon your financial position< LVR, and other criteria. The product may also vary depending upon the rate type, repayment type, or loan purpose. We encourage you to contact us for a full understanding of the product and terms.
Product Variations
Product rates and conditions will usually vary based on the LVR and other conditions..
  , VARIABLE, 7.50%
  • Lending Rate Type: Variable
  • Interest Rate: 7.50%, Comparison Rate 0.00%
  • Repayment Type: Principal And Interest
  • Loan Purpose:

 Product Features

  • Digital Banking Additional Information: SCCU NetBanking
  • Other Additional Information: Terms up to 30yrs available

 Product Eligibility

  • Employment Status - Y. Additional Information: Must be employed
  • Residency Status - Y. Additional Information: Must be an Australian resident

 Bank Fees and Charges

  • Direct Debit Dishonour (Event), Amount: 15.00. Additional Information: Charged if your direct debit payment is dishonoured due to insufficient funds
  • Business Loan Establishment Flat (Upfront), Amount: 699.00. Additional Information: Higher of this or the Business Establishment Percentage Fee
  • Business Loan Establishment Percent (Upfront), Amount: Not Listed.. Additional Information: Greater of this or Business Establishment Flat
  • Redraw In Branch (Transaction), Amount: 25.00. Additional Information: Charged if you access advance payment on your loan in-branch.
  • Desktop Valuation Fee (Event), Amount: 170.00. Additional Information: automated computer valuation done using property data, recent comparable sales and property listings
  • Avm Valuation Fee (Event), Amount: 25.00. Additional Information: service that can provide real estate property valuations using mathematical modelling combined with a database.
  • Security Guarantee Fee (Event), Amount: 200.00. Additional Information: If you require or elect to have a guarantor for your loan, this fee is charged to cover the additional administration costs. This fee is charged per guarantor.
  • Property Valuation Fee (Event), Amount: 300.00. Additional Information: If using a property as security for the loan, we need to confirm what the property is worth. This fee covers the cost of valuing your property which can vary depending on type and complexity of the property. Fee varies dependent on type and complexity of property. Minimum fee shown.
  • Legal Fee Trust Deed (Event), Amount: 132.00. Additional Information: A trust deed is reviewed if a trust entity is the borrower or guarantor of the loan
  • Loan Discharge Fee (Event), Amount: 150.00. Additional Information: Sometimes called a termination fee, this is charged when you pay out your loan. It covers the costs associated with releasing your title.
  • Business Loan Security Variation (Event), Amount: 150.00.
  • Guarantor Security Variation (Event), Amount: 300.00. Additional Information: Changes to guarantor security and removing guarantor for loan. Charged per guarantor
  • Home Loan Legal Fee (Event), Amount: 430.00. Additional Information: A one off fee required to document and settle your loan.
  • Loan Variation (Event), Amount: 150.00. Additional Information: When there is a variation made to the terms of an existing loan agreement. For example remaining loan term.
  • Home Loan Product Switch (Event), Amount: 300.00. Additional Information: Variations to your loan including changing product, fixing your interest rates or switching between interest only and principle and interest repayments, will incur a product switch fee.

 Limitations & Restrictions (Constraints)

  • Min Limit of 50000.00
  • Max Limit of 4500000.00 Additional Information: Maximum LVR 90%